The Long-awaited Pipe Replacement Pilot Project (PRPP) is Underway

The GHI Buildings Committee presented the Pipe Replacement Pilot Project Report to the Board of Directors in 2022 to start the process of replacing pipes that have reached or surpassed their projected useful life and pose a risk of failure.

The PRPP will start on May 22, 2024, with a target completion date of August 8, 2024.

The GHI Pipe Replacement Pilot Project will implement and evaluate methods and materials for replacing water supply and waste pipes in the various types of GHI units. There are 26 units (6 rows) in the Pilot Project, consisting of three (3) rows of frame units and three (3) rows of masonry units. The members from these units volunteered and agreed to participate in the pilot project. These buildings were selected by GHI because all the members in each row volunteered and met the project criteria.

Upon completion, GHI staff, project engineers, volunteer members, and the contractor will conduct a “Lessons Learned” session from the Pilot Project. The knowledge gained during the Pilot Project will be applied to the community-wide future Pipe Replacement Program.

For more information about the Pilot Project please contact: Thomas Williams, GHI Director, Technical Services Department, or Samuel Edoror, GHI Project Manager, Technical Services Department,